Doubler Charger project
Doubler/Charger Project This post describes a project to trickle charge NiMH batteries as part of an UPS circuit. The supply voltage for the UPS comes from a 12 V wall adapter. The battery pack of 8 NiMH batteries provides roughly 10.5 volts as the backup power. There's not enough voltage "headroom" to connect a constant current circuit to charge the batteries. Rather than use a separate supply, I decided to build a circuit to increase the voltage to allow the increased value to run the charger circuit. A well-known circuit uses a LM555 timer IC as an astable oscillator feeding a diode-capacitor network to double the input voltage to roughly 22 V. This supplies an LM317 wired as a constant current source applied to the NiMH batteries. The oscillator function is controlled by a 3.3 volt logic signal from the UPS3 control board. A logic low input from the UPS board allows the LM555 oscillator to ...